Powerful data right at your fingertips

Always know how your business is performing. Unlock actionable insights and make data-driven decisions to drive growth and ensure success.
MacBook mockup

Health & fitness

Beauty & wellness


Health & fitness

Beauty & wellness


And more

Health & fitness

Beauty & wellness


And more

Health & fitness

Beauty & wellness


Health & fitness

Beauty & wellness


And more

Health & fitness

Beauty & wellness


And more

Health & fitness

Beauty & wellness


Health & fitness

Beauty & wellness


And more

Health & fitness

Beauty & wellness


And more

Join 4,000+ companies already growing

Statistics to help you understand your business

Explore your company's numbers with easy-to-use dashboards, beautiful charts and powerful tools.

Master your finances

Get a clear overview of your company's financial health with automatically tracked revenue, refunds, and net revenue.

Monitor subscription renewals and cancellations to gauge customer satisfaction.

Filter data by source to identify what's most profitable.

Group by customer to identify those who are most loyal and important to your business.

Maximize subscription success

Understand your subscription dynamics. Track new subscriptions, renewals, and cancellations.

Monitor new customer sign-ups and subscription renewals to gauge customer satisfaction.

Identify areas for improvement with cancellation data.

Group data by subscription or customer to analyze their contribution to your recurring revenue.

Analyze your bookings

Gain insight into your company's performance with various automatically tracked booking metrics.

Compare statistics of bookings that were made using a subscription with those that were paid for directly.

Track the total hours booked for your services.

Filter data by service to identify the most popular offerings, and by customer to understand individual behavior.

Explore customer trends

Understand your customer base and how it evolves over time.

Track the growth of your customer base and how many of them have registered accounts with you.

Group data by source and explore how your customer base is growing.

See it for yourself

Check out our widget or book a demo for a personalized walkthrough of the software.

Partnering with Ofcorz has transformed MindSpark Tutoring. Their unique data insights have streamlined our operations and propelled student success beyond our expectations. It's like having a crystal ball for our business!

Jort Schaarman
Owner at MindSpark

Your own custom views

Powerful, self-serve analytics to help you understand your business like never before and unlock actionable insights.

Group by source

Understand who or what is responsible for your growth with just a few clicks.

Custom time periods

Adjust the time period for which statistics are shown to make quick comparisons over time.

Make data-driven decisions the norm

Enhance decision-making, discover areas for improvement, and monitor the performance of your business with our easy-to-understand statistics.


increase in revenue with detailed financial insights


growth in customer retention with targeted customer insights


of businesses improve efficiency with customizable views


Used by small and large companies in multiple industries

No matter what kind of business you have, Ofcorz helps you run it with ease.

Barre studio

Dance studio


Martial arts studio

Personal training studio

Pilates studio

Yoga studio

Beauty salon

Hair salon

Massage salon

Nail studio

Skin clinic

Pedicure salon


Tanning studio

Art studio


Music school

Pet grooming salon



Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

How can tracking statistics help my business?

Tracking statistics with Ofcorz can significantly benefit your business by providing valuable insights into your operations and customer behavior. With detailed financial reports, you can monitor revenue streams, control expenses, and improve profit margins. Operational statistics help you identify patterns in bookings. Understanding customer behavior through metrics such as visit frequency and retention rates enables you to tailor services and marketing efforts to meet customer needs better. Overall, tracking these statistics helps you make data-driven decisions, improve efficiency, and boost overall business performance.

Which statistics do we keep track of?

Ofcorz keeps track of a wide range of statistics to help you understand and optimize your business performance. These include financial metrics such as revenue, expenses, and profit margins, as well as operational data like appointment bookings, cancellations, and customer attendance rates. Additionally, Ofcorz tracks customer behavior metrics, including the frequency of visits, customer retention rates, and feedback scores. By monitoring these statistics, you can gain comprehensive insights into various aspects of your business and make informed decisions to enhance efficiency and growth.

How secure is the data tracking in Ofcorz?

Which filter options can I use?

How often are the statistics updated in Ofcorz?

Starting with Ofcorz is simple, fast and free.