Nice to meet you

Our mission is to make your business more successful

At Ofcorz, we build software that helps you run your business like never before. Our product is a combination of pixel-perfect design and world-class engineering, with an incredibly strong focus on simplicity.


Countries that we're active in


Industries that we're active in


Excited for the future
Our story

We’re just getting started

We want to become the go-to platform for service businesses in every industry.

It all began when we realized that most service businesses in a variety of different industries, are running their whole operation on subpar software that they don't love using. After extensive market research, we have seen it all: from terribly unintuitive and outdated user interfaces to stale products that for years have been unable to adapt to the needs of today.

What started as a product focussed on updating the booking and payment experience for both businesses and their customers, has quickly evolved into something much bigger. We are now offering service businesses an alternative to the status-quo of using multiple siloed products. Instead of having to use numerous tools, we have combined the functionality of these, into one consistent and easy-to-use platform.

The fact that so many companies have already put their trust in us, is something we are incredibly grateful for and don't take lightly. We are determined to serve these and any customers that will follow to the very best of our abilities. Not only does this mean offering top-notch support, but it also means that we will continue our relentless commitment to improving the product every day.

While we are only just getting started, we are incredibly excited about the future.

— The Ofcorz Team

Hi there!

Meet our team

Our small, but awesome team, is distributed across our headquarters in Almere (Netherlands) and our office in Warsaw (Poland).

Marnix Heuker of Hoek

Has a big love for software and coffee, but tries to stop the latter after 3pm. The software development never ends though...

Evgeny Cherkes

Dodges bugs like Neo dodges bullets, and makes our software projects run smoother than his race bike.

Timo Weber
Business Development

Enjoys kicking a ball in his free time, almost as much as he loves finding customers and helping them succeed.

Vadzim Rynhevich
Software Engineer

His desk, an ominous energy drink graveyard, mirrors the trail of squeezed software bugs he leaves behind, on his way to digital Walhalla.

Anton Shardyko
Software Engineer

Devours code faster than he eats at McDonald's, and would love to own a capybara as a pet.

Gloria Loi
Software Engineer

Crafts code with her secret toolkit: two hands, a laptop, and her cat. Who needs a rubber duck when you have a meowing muse?

Mischa Zegers Veeckens

His design process is as refined as the wine he likes to drink, and his creations always leave you craving for one more sip.


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